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domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

China outsourcing

China is a market offering that has a competitive advantage in production costs, especially labor-intensive processes work, with excellent quality - price.
Has occurred in recent years an increase in the value of exports from China and substantial improvement in the quality of processes and products, maintaining a low wage level for the development of inland areas.
Thus it has become an attractive destination for companies looking to improve the efficiency of its supply chain and local outsourcing of certain product lines to improve their global market position.
Shown in the table below a comparison of the range of savings in production in China, according to a study by Boston Consulting Group in 2007, still reflects the current state of production in 2010.
On the other hand, China is becoming a prime market for medium and large companies that are being introduced and establishing global purchasing power.Local suppliers are not adapted to this situation have few options to compete withcompetitors of the new networks.
China plays a leading role and must be present in the strategic thinking of the Western companies. The Chinese government is supporting the internationalizationof Chinese enterprises, competition from China is very aggressive in international markets and are creating business opportunities by increased domestic consumption.

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